Divine Dolphin Tour Log – Week of June 21, 2015

We had an amazing week of Divine Dolphin tours!

We had Bottlenose Dolphins blowing us Rainbows… Capture100

Capture101And looking us in the eye as they leaped all around our boat.













At one point it was like the Fourth of July, with high flying jumps all around us!


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148 We were also blessed with two days of Roughtooth Dolphin encounters including this mom and very small baby. The Roughtooth have very distinctive features… and behaviors. Check out the markings on this dorsal fin! This makes this, and most Roughtooth Dolphins very easy to identify.224










206We also had a Divine Dolphin first, over 20 Nazca Boobies from the Galapagos. We normally only see one or sometimes two at a time, and not that often, making it a rare sighting to see them at all, let alone so many of them. We wonder why so many have flown over here so far…201

Unfortunately, we also came upon a large garbage patch, with lots of pieces of plastic and rubber including this plastic crate in which many fish were stuck. We saved them all.

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