Touched by Dolphins

So much has happened since my first dolphin swim in June of 1997! (See Circle of Dolphins) After returning home from that trip, I knew that everything had changed and my life with the dolphins was only beginning. I immediately began to organize dolphin swims so that I could take others out to meet the wild dolphins of the Bahamas and let them experience the spiritual growth, joy and love that the dolphins had given me.

After returning from the dolphin trips in December that I had organized, I felt so empty because I wanted to be with the dolphins and in the Bahamas again. I watched the movie Zuess and Roxanne, about a dolphin and a dog, which was filmed in the Bahamas, and when I saw that turquoise water and the dolphins, I began to cry, actually sob, from a very deep place. The dolphins were calling me!!! I didn’t know how or where, but I knew that I would soon be moving, and started to get rid of things I didn’t need. “If you lived in the Bahamas, would you need this?” I kept asking myself, which made it very easy to go through and sort out the unnecessary items. I wondered how I would feel leaving the beautiful redwood forest and creek that I now lived on. “You can always visit the redwoods, just like you now visit the dolphins,” my friend Susan told me.

I had become good friends with the owner and captain of the boat I had used for some dolphin swims, and met with him in Florida on my way back from swimming with the whales in the Dominican Republic. “You need an assistant,” I told him at dinner, in a joking way, but not really joking! After returning from the whale swim, I was even more determined to move and continued to dispose of unneeded items. I gave two and one half months notice at my job as a paralegal, telling them that in May I would be gone for five weeks to the Bahamas, and that I would move soon after returning.

Wow, I was really going to do it!! I had given notice at my job, even if it was a very long notice. As soon as I had made the comittment in my mind and actually gave notice, Geoff called that very day and said, “Let’s get you moved out here as soon as possible and you will be my assistant.” I told my boss that I was now giving a two week notice, and less if possible!!! My last day of work in an office was on my birthday, March 26, 1998.

On April 1, 1998, within 4 weeks of returning from the whale trip, I had all my belongings (what was left of them), my four cats, wolf dog and Greenwing Macaw packed into a Ryder truck, towing my car behind, and drove from California to Florida to start my new life. I had lived in California since I was born, my friends and family are there, but I knew my path was now in Florida and the Bahamas.

As I drove across the country, I thought about the dolphins and all that had happened in the past year. The dolphins had taught me to only do things that bring me joy. To “go with the flow” and to “ride the waves.” You can fight or you can flow. If you are listening to life’s messages and following your divine path, life becomes easy and effortless. If you choose to ignore the path that has been given to you, life can become a real struggle. And I was definately on my path, because everything had just flowed into place, with little effort on my part. Of course, I always say affirmations and write down, very specifically, what I’d like to manifest in my life. This I had first learned from my friend Marilyn Umbach. My favorite affirmation is: “The Divine Plan of my life is manifesting for me now, quickly and in peace, Thank You ,Thank You, Thank You!!” When I say this affirmation, things can change very quickly, like jobs, living arrangements, relationships, etc. If nothing at all happens, I know I am on my path!! I had said this affirmation a lot during the past months as well as making specific lists of what I would like to manifest. Now it was all coming to pass!

I arrived in Florida, got settled in, and got ready for the first dolphin swim of the season. I had gone on several other dolphin swims during the past year, some organized by me, and some organized by others. I couldn’t get enough! Every trip was special and amazing in its own way. I could write extensively about each trip, however, this is about my one year anniversary trip in June 1998.

I had been excited about the Summer Solstice trip as soon as I had started organizing it. It was during the Solstice, several of my good friends were coming, it was my one year dolphin anniversary and it was on the same boat that my first trip had been on. (I am now working with Geoff, but this boat is very special to me, for obvious reasons!)

Before this trip began, I had two other dolphin trips that I had organized in May. Both of these trips were totally amazing, with incredible encounters with the dolphins. It was sooooo great to be out with the dolphins again after a several month hiatis. (We do not conduct dolphin swims during the months of January-April due to weather) Again, every participant went home touched by the dolphins, feeling as if their lives had been changed forever. This made me feel so good, because I knew that I was doing what I have always wanted to do, have a positive affect on people’s lives, and what a way to do it! Of course, the dolphins were doing the major work, I was only getting people there, but I still feel really good about it!!

We had a much needed eight day break before the Summer Solstice trip began. My friends, Danielle and Terry from California came in the day before the trip started, and we went out for lunch. Terry told me about some psychic experiences he was having the week before the trip and Danielle also mentioned that she felt her psychic powers were hightened. I know this well. It always happens to me before the trips and it was fun to hear about it from my friends.

The next day we went to the hotel to meet the other participants, including my good friend Sherri, whom I had met since moving to Florida. As with my first dolphin trip, upon seeing the group, I felt as if I had met many of them before, and Danielle and Terry mentioned the same thing. At our meeting at the hotel pool, I told everyone what to expect and answered their questions, and make sure everyone knew what time to meet in the lobby the next morning. Again, for this dolphin swim, I kept a journal and so following are my entries from my journal. I again brought my Medicine Woman cards with me, so the cards that I picked are included also.

June 14, 1998 – (Evening, in my hotel room) The first dolphin trip this year was pretty intense for me, the second so light, I feel as if this trip will be the balancing trip for me. We went to dinner at the hotel, and had our group meeting. Right before I went to bed, Sherri and I each chose a Medicine Woman card. These cards are so amazing because the card that I chose was Balance.

Balance – “The Restoration of Nature’s Balance” – Divine justice works within me, eliminating all that is unnecessary from my thoughts and granting to me all that is good. I walk in balance, knowing Earth’s Care. Indeed this trip was about Balance!!! The cards suggested that for the next week, every time I had a negative thought to change it into a positive one. Sort of a mental diet. Since I believe you create your life with your thoughts, this would be a very good exercise for me! It is time to shed the things that do not promote my growth, getting my life into balance. I kept getting an image of my arms open wide, embracing the earth. “Open your arms, open your heart and open your eyes. Embrace it all!” I heard in my mind as I saw the image.

June 15, 1998 – We all loaded up into the hotel vans to go to the boat. I was so happy to be with my good friends, and soon to be good friends! When we drove up and saw the BottomTime II, my heart sang! We boarded the boat at Port Everglades, filled out the necessary paperwork and we were off to Bimini! The ride across (it is about 50 miles) took about 2 1/2 hours and it was a very smooth ride. We docked in Bimini to go through customs, and then we were off to the dolphin grounds. The plan was to let everyone get into the water so that KAZ, the divemaster on the boat, could check out everyone’s snorkeling skills and give instruction to those who needed it. But, the dolphins had other plans for us. No sooner did we enter the area where dolphins hang out, there they were. “DOLPHINS!” I jumped into the water for our first of many encounters this week.

We swam with a mom and dolphin baby for more than an hour, and then were joined by three other pairs of dolphins for another hour and a half. It was fun to watch my friends (old and new) swim with dolphins for the first time! Everyone was so excited as the dolphins weaved their magic in and out of the people in the water. The dolphins were spreading love, staying together in pairs and opening hearts for the coming week.

I had an amazing encounter today. Two dolphins were vertical, heads up toward the surface, in the water below me. I dove straight down to them so that we were head to head and they both started to zap me with their sonar. I felt their sonar go through my body and I felt as if they were doing some kind of cell restructuring on me, as well as helping me to release mental and emotional blocks that were holding me back from being all I can be. Instantaneously. Wow!

In the past few weeks out here, we have seen this vertical stance over and over with the dolphins. Were they just trying to imitate us, or was there more to it? I felt there was more to it, I just didn’t understand it yet.

Resources – “I am a resource of the eternally creating and sustaining Spirit of Life. All that I need to carry out the divine plan is before me. I refuse to give my attention to things that limit me or deny my wholeness. To all life I am connected. I let go of those things that I no longer value, keeping that which I love and for which I can care. These things bring me comfort, support and help according to their purpose.”

June 16, 1998 – Talk about an incredible encounter!!! We were all swimming with several dolphins. Sherri and I were about three feet apart from each other, and a dolphin came up between us, in the vertical position, and stayed there, totally still, only raising himself out of the water enough to catch a breath, and then drop back down. He stayed like this with us for several minutes until someone swam up to us and he left. Sherri and I felt lost in time and space, it was such a quiet, peaceful moment with this dolphin. He was looking at both of us, totally trusting and full of love. The dolphins are all about love!! We watched over and over as the dolphins rubbed up against each other and would touch fins as they swam around. They are constantly touching and caressing each other, and it is so beautiful to be in the water with them and feel the love that they have for each other and for all.

Ten of Pipes – Coming Home: Your life has been a series of adventures. You have earned health and a wealth of experience. Now you come home to rest and integrate the many experiences you have collected. You are full of ideas, so many you may not know where to begin to implement them all. You want to give back to the world, to each others, to pass on your knowledge accumulated so far.

June 17, 1998 – ONE YEAR DOLPHIN ANNIVERSARY! Today it has been exactly one year since the first time I swam with wild dolphins. I awoke at about 5:00 am to thunder and rain hitting hard on the porthole in my cabin. I went outside to watch the storm, and there was Danielle, Terry and Sherri. I am so glad that they are here with me on this trip! The lightening was exciting to watch and we all sat in silence marveling at the power of nature. I felt as if the storm was washing away all residues of unwanted mental baggage we were carrying in order to prepare us for another intense encounter with the dolphins. After about an hour, the skies cleared until all that was left were a few clouds and a spectacular rainbow that carried intense colors from violet to bright yellow. And it stayed in the sky for a very long time, long after the rain was gone. What a great start to what I knew would be a most powerful day!

Out here where the dolphins are wild, we can never guarantee that we will see them, but I wanted so much to have a great connection today, on our anniversary. At about 3:00 pm (many times out here in Bimini we don’t see the dolphins until later in the afternoon) two dolphins appeared and we got into the water with them. They swam around us, as if to check us out, and then left, only returning a few moments later with more of their friends. Many times we find that “scout dolphins” will check out our group and upon finding that we are “okay”, will bring back more dolphins. Soon we found ourselves surrounded by 13 dolphins!!! We all had incredible encounters today, with lots of eye contact, I love all the diving and turning and playful things the dolphins do with me, but one of my favorite things is when two more more dolphins just let me slowly swim with them, near the surface, a dolphin on each side of me, like I am part of their pod. I just LOVE that!! That happened several times today and since there were so many dolphins, everyone got lots of one on one contact with the dolphins. I found myself once again moved to tears as the dolphins weaved their love, joy and magic through our group.

I had a deep feeling that some of these dolphins were the same ones who had swam with us last year during my first dolphin swim, but I wasn’t sure if that could be since we were in a different area now. But I kept hearing over and over in my mind, “These are the same dolphins, these are the same dolphins, they’ve come to be with us on our anniversary !” Since I have been out here so much this year, I am starting to recognize some of the dolphins, and they definately know me now. So I was thinking that maybe it was just the recognition of dolphins from the past weeks…. but no, while there were some of the dolphins here that we had been swimming with this summer, there were some new ones, ones that I also felt familiar with. During this encounter, which lasted an hour and a half, I felt intense feelings of joy, bliss, release, peacefulness and contentment and so at one with the universe!! Once again, I cried tears of pure joy, as I felt so at home here in the beautiful turquoise water with my new and old friends, human and dolphin alike.

Another thing that is so wonderful, is that when you are swimming with the dolphins, they will swim past you, with their eyes half closed in a peaceful bliss. I always feel so loved and trusted when they do this, and it has happened over and over on this trip!

When I got out of the water, I told Penelope Smith (the animal communicator who was co-facilitating the trip with me), that I thought that some of the dolphins were the same ones from last year. She told me that while some of us were still in the water with the dolphins, she had gotten out and walked to the bow of the boat to watch us and talk to the dolphins. She said that one of the mother dolphins looked up at her and referring to her baby said, “Don’t you know who this is?” It was the same baby, now more than a year old, who had swam with us during that first dolphin swim and who had given us that beautiful message about cleaning up the oceans. (See Circle of Dolphins for the original message from the baby dolphin). So Penelope had gotten the same thing, that many of these dolphins were the same ones from our first dolphin swim, including the master baby dolphin!!

When we went to dinner that evening, I asked Stuart (our captain), how far dolphins traveled and if they ever see the same dolphins here in Bimini that they see in White Sands Ridge (where our first trip took place). He told us that indeed the dolphins traveled between the two places and that they have seen dolphins from White Sands Ridge here in Bimini, which I already knew from our encounter today, but somehow I wanted it verified. Wow, talk about an anniversary swim, it was a reunion!!!

Thank you, dolphins, for all that you have given us. Thank you for changing my life and all the wonderful things that you have brought me. Thank you for everything you have given me. This has been an amazing journey, and I know it has only just begun!

Five of Pipes – Allure Through Opposition: It is now time to go out into the world and share my dream, to give myself to my people. I know this is a challenging time when my life could be altered by the will of others. My ideas will be up for scrutiny by those I want to please. So, Great Spirit, I accept the courage to face the world with that which you have given me. I accept the wisdom to know how to expose your divine nature within me to those who have eyes to see. I am strong in my commitment that the essence of my vision will remain true to that which you have inspired me to do. I will lure the world to its divinity by the nature of love you have given me. I will call the unknown, the strength and beauty ever-present within me. Your breath, your life will pass through me, and I will be at my best.

June 18, 1998– Another beautiful day in paradise! I relaxed a lot today, taking in all that had happened yesterday. In the Bahamas, it is usually the Atlantic Spotted Dolphins that we swim with, although there are many Bottlenose Dolphins in the area. Bottlenose dolphins are the most common dolphins you see in captivity, Flipper was a Bottlenose. The Bottlenose tend to shy away from the boats, and usually disappear if you try to get into the water with them. My theory, which is shared by many others, is that so many Bottlenose have been taken from this area for places like Sea World and other captive aquarium settings, that the Bottlenose are distrustful of humans. (Just as you and I would be if someone had taken family members away for their own profit). However, in the past couple of years, the Bottlenose seem to be taking more of an interest in us, and have been playing at the bow of our boats longer and there have even been a few close encounters with them. So, when we came across a pod of five Bottlenose, Stuart asked me if I wanted to give it a try. “Oh yes,” I told him! Stuart, (with the underwater video camara) four others and I got into the water to see what the Bottlenose would do. While at first they hardly seemed to notice us, they didn’t swim away and continued on with what they were doing, (mostly caressing each other and having sex. As Stuart said, “Look, Mr. Wiggly is out!) The Bottlenose are bigger than the Spotted Dolphins and their sonar is a higher pitch. As we hung out with the Bottlenose, they got closer and closer to us, and one of them in particular, swam very close to us, looking right at me and using his sonar. I was so excited at the honor of swimming with wild Bottlenose. I feel that in the future, we will be having much closer contact with them, and I can’t wait!! They are so amazingly beautiful and I feel that a healing is taking place between the Bottlenose and the Humans.

Six of Stones – Restoring Balance. “As I am a steward of wealth, I am also guardian of the balance of wealth and must share where sharing seems right. I cannot forget the hard times that I have experienced and the help that came to me when I needed it most. I, too, will give to others whom I perceive to be in need of what I offer. As I teach my skills and share my creations, an inner balance is felt and I am at peace.”

As I read this card, I thought about the Bottlenose, and how we are trying once again to restore a balance with them. I feel like we owe them so much, as they have brought dolphins into the consciousness of the world, and we need to give back to them!

June 19, 1998 – Since I am studying to get my captain’s license, I went up to the wheelhouse and asked Stuart if I could drive the boat for a while. He pointed me in the direction of where the dolphins are, and I steered us on. It was about 10:00 am, a time we don’t normally see many dolphins. I looked over to the port (left) side of the boat, and saw two dolphins jumping out of the water. “Dolphins!” I told Stuart, as I handed over the controls so I could go downstairs and get ready to get in with them. We jumped in and this is when I had my most incredible encounter to date. I saw a very large female dolphin, whom we had swam with earlier in the week and in the weeks before. We looked at each other and connected, from about 15 feet away. At the same moment, we swam towards each other, until we were less than a foot apart, nose to nose and eyes to eyes, and stayed that way, totally still, totally taking each other in and connecting on a very deep level. She was using her sonar on me, and I was totally lost in another dimension, with no conciousness of what was going on around me, there was only me and her in that moment. We stayed like that, perfectly still, until I had to go up and breath, (sometimes I hate when I have to breath!) I felt as if I could have stayed like that, just the two of us, forever. Later, others who had watched this encounter said that it had touched them on a very deep level too.

One of the things that is really great is that the Bottom Time II and Geoff, the captain I work for, have a very close working relationship out here, and if one boat finds dolphins and the other boat hasn’t seen any, we call them over to share dolphins. Since we had been swimming with dolphins all morning and Geoff’s boat hadn’t seen any yet, we called them over. We all got in the water together and several dolphins swam with us. It was so great for me to see my two favorite captains, Geoff and Stuart in the water together. It was a very special connection for me, and for them too, since they had never actually gotten into the water together!

Three of Arrows – Listen to Your Heart: “I have all the information I need to come to my senses by paying attention to what is before me. I see that the world gives me whatever is needed if I simply open my eyes and ears. The world is giving my constant feedback on the thoughts I hold in my mind. It provides clues to where I might find what I am looking for. I pause. I listen. I follow my heart. Grandmother, guide me wiht the star-bright sone of your timeless way. I seek to bring plent to my people. Your thoughts must travel through your heart. If your action began with attunement to the “I am” mind of the all-perfect universe, then what is coming to you now should be plenty of what you want. “

This card is very appropriate for me because when I write down things I want to manifest, I start many of my sentences with “I am….such as ‘I am on the September dolphin swim…..I am living in the house at 123 Dolphin Street….I am with my soul mate…etc., etc. Writing things down as if I already have them is a very powerful practice, which I use to manifest things in my life. It sends messages out into the universe, as well as to your subconscious mind. You then add visualization, visualizing things as if you already have/are them. I believe you can create anything you want in your life with your mind. That’s why it is so important to be choosy about what you think about!

June 20, 1998 – Today we visited the Atlantis Wall, also known as “The Bimini Road.” It is a series of stones, similar in shape, that many people feel is the sunken land of Atlantis. I have been here many times, but today, more than ever, it seemed so alive!! I swam with a sea turtle (that was so very cool!) and connected with many of the fish that live there. I was swimming with Sherri and noticed that she, like me, seemed to be able to stay under water much longer here. I noticed that I was able to just hang out at the bottom for long periods of time, hardly thinking about taking a breath. When I talked to Sherri afterwards, she said that she felt that she was getting oxygen from her whole body, and I felt the same way. I love snorkeling here and look forward to my next visit to this magic place! We saw dolphins today, but we never got in the water with them, they had other things on their mind! Lots of lightening tonight, it was great sitting out on the deck with my friends listening to good music and watching the sky come alive!

Ace of Stones – Seed of Prosperity: Great Spirit, I accept your offering. I am thankful for these material gifts you place before me so abundantly. Mother Earth provides all that I need. The gifts of my ancestors lie within her arms. Your crystal of inspiration calls me to create from the wealth that surrounds me. The Grandmothers and Grandfathers have given their life and consciousness to Earth for us. This is why the mountains and plains are sacred. The native people ARE the land. Others died that we may live. The Earth is alive with their consciousness. Open your eyes and receive the gift of true understanding from which abundance comes. Prosperity is formed of right relationship to Earth. Open yourself to becoming aware of the wealth of resources surrounding you. Life is everywhere at your command.”

June 21, 1998 – SUMMER SOLSTICE – Wow! Today we swam with about 40 dolphins!! It was starting to get late, and I was beginning to think that we might not see dolphins today, on the solstice. We started to slowly head in to where we dock when the call came out, “DOLPHINS!!”. We got into the water with about 20 dolphins. I had bought a bright red scarf in Bimini and brought it into the water with me. I swam around with it to get the dolphins’ interest, and then let it go. Four dolphins went after it, and one grabbed it in his mouth. He swam around with it with other dolphins following him, and I followed after, trying to get it back. I almost got it, but the dolphin, in the most graceful way, let go of the scarf and caught it on his pec fin. As another dolphin tried to get it from him, he again let the scarf flow back to his tail. I know they practice this with seaweed, and it was so beautiful and amazing to watch! I finally got the scarf back, and as I swam around with it, about 10 dolphins followed after me to get it back. I let it go again, and two dolphins got each end, and swam with the scarf in between them. Wow! One of the dolphins took it and swam around with it with me in tow, trying to get it back again. In all, I got it back 4-5 times, but I know it was only because they let me!! What fun to play this game with the dolphins!!!! While this was going on, a group of another 20 dolphins were under our boat, and swam under us as we played. They finally took the scarf away for the last time, and swam away with it, laughing. They continued to play with it as they swam away, sometimes flinging it into the air. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of these days I see that scarf again! While most of our other swims had been slow, peaceful and deep, this encounter with the dolphins was definitely about FUN and PLAY!!!

After we had swam with the dolphins for about an hour and a half, we got out and went to the bow of the boat. Our final moments with the dolphins were spent letting them ride on our bow and play with the boat. They rode with us almost all the way back to where we dock our boat, saying goodbye to us, for now!!! I can’t think of a better way to end our time with the dolphins, giving back for all they had given us! The sun went down on the longest day of the year, and our hearts were filled with pure joy!

It was our last night and we gathered out on the deck to get personal messages from the dolphins from Penelope Smith. While she spoke to each person individually, the lightening behind her and all around us was some of the most spectacular I have ever seen! Everything was alive and full of incredible energy. As I watched the lightening I felt the power go through me and it put me into a deep trance/sleep. I was awoken because it was my turn for a personal message. Penelope, through the dolphins, told me that I was their beloved sister and they were with me always, guiding me on my path. I went to my cabin and got my journal because I could feel it was a very powerful night for manifestation. I wrote down, in detail, things that I wanted, as if I already had them. I went back upstairs as Penelope was finishing the readings for the others. We all joined hands and connected. The moment we let go, the lightening stopped, and it was gone for the rest of the night. Wow, this has really been an incredibly powerful night. I fell asleep totally content and happy with the world!

Nurturing Lodge of the Bowls – The Fruits of Devotion: “Many things I have been in the world, many roles I have played. Now I rest in the very place where you need me. I know the worldy ways. I have struggled with love and come through smiling. I can tell how each one I have loved has brought me into deeper understanding of you. I see that all of my time has become an ongoing act of devotion to you through all whom I serve. I see that this devotion brings blessings in many forms to my people. Thank you, Grandmother, Grandfather, for the wisdom of your lives you have shared. Enter the lodge of spiritual family and celebrate your lives together. This is the place and time to utilize your stores of nourishment for self and others. Embrace. Be in peace. Reflect. Enjoy.”

June 22, 1998 – Time to go home. I know I will be back out here soon, but I also know how everyone else is feeling now as our boat heads back for Ft. Lauderdale. We have all connected with the dolphins and each other on a very deep level, and it is sad to have that end. Just as we entered the port area, a big pod of Bottlenose dolphins were around our boat, and we heard the last call over the speaker of “Dolphins!”. Wow, they had come to say goodbye to us, and seemed to say, “See ya again soon!” Again, the Bottlenose were the ambassadors!

We went back to the hotel and said our goodbyes, and off I went to take Sherri home. As soon as I dropped her off, I felt so empty, because I had just left my new pod. But then I went over in my mind the events of the week, and I couldn’t help but feel total joy for all that happened, and all the lives that had once again been touched by dolphins.

July 3, 1998 – So much happened on the Solstice trip and it is so great to have Sharon Callahan, my animal communicator/psychic to help me sort through all the messages and meanings. I told Sharon how I have grown so much on a spiritual level and how the dolphins have allowed me to release old emotions, blocks and struggles instantaneously, with joy and no processing and suffering. “Yes,” she said. “You are part of the new paradigm, where you can release old karma and emotional baggage just like that. You just have to believe it. Just change your mind. You have a choice to do it through suffering or to do it through joy. You, Sierra, don’t like all the traditional processes because you don’t need them. There are still people caught in the old paradigm of suffering to grow is a good thing, but it simply isn’t necessary anymore.” That is why facilitating dolphin swims is so perfect for me, it is transformation without process and done through love, joy and happiness, not to mention fun!

I asked Sharon about the “vertical thing” that the dolphins had been doing. “What I get is that this enables them to bring the divine energy right through their crown chakra. When the dolphins are doing that with you, they are helping you to receive that divine energy. I imagine you can feel that.” Of course you can feel that! That is what I was experiencing when the dolphins were vertical under me. “The Earth’s heartbeat has changed and the frequency has been stepped up. The dolphins are “tuning you up” so that your frequency matches the Earth’s new frequency.”

July 18, 1998 – In closing, I would like to thank each and every person who has come out to these tours on Oahu, Hawaii to swim with the wild dolphins. And every person who will come out with us in the future. It can take a lot of courage to do this, because you might be giving up your life as you knew it when you make the commitment to swim with the dolphins. While all in joy and fun, the dolphins are serious about growth, and will call you to take on whatever they feel you can handle. All kinds of people have come out with us, and I never question why any certain person was called to be with the dolphins. I only know that everyone gets exactly what they need, if not right away, sometimes it happens after they get home, or six months later….the dolphins know who needs what when. I am honored to have the dolphins as my teachers and as my partners in transformation, with joy and love, one dolphin swim at a time!

READ PART III – From Paralegal to Paradise

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